
Tuesday 21 February 2017

The truth about mothers day

The best thing about it almost being March is that means its almost Mothers day. I love mothers day. What mother wouldn't. You get breakfast in bed and presents, usually a variety of pink crap with variations of the word mum on it. Your children craft some weird splodge on a piece of paper which resembles a troll's vomit, but is apparently flowers. Whats not to love.


Last year however i explained to my husband that I loved him and the children, and for that reason I was going to save them the effort. Save the money you were going to spend on pink mum crap, don't waste your time burning my toast for me and I don't need my 100th 'flower' painting. Instead i want you to all wake up, quietly, so as not to wake me, get dressed and leave. Yes you read that correctly, I asked them all to leave. I obviously don't mean forever, just for the day.

As a tired, over stressed mother of 2 young boys, (they were 1 and 7 months at the time), all I wanted for MY day was to be alone. No early start, no shitty nappies, no bottles or post feed winding. Just me, myself and I. I'm sure there are plenty of people reading this in disgust. "Why would any mother want a mothers day without her children?" The answer to that is simple. I am a real mother, a mother who just wanted a break. A mother who wanted a day to lie and watch a movie while eating crap without having to share with the cubs. I am not ashamed of my perfect mothers day, if anything I am proud that I am able to hold my hands up and ask for a break, before I break.

I spend everyday I am not working with my children, showering them with love and teaching them the ways of the world. I love my boys further than the moon and back, but I wanted mothers day to become a tradition of mamas lazy day. My hubby was happy to oblige, he agreed that I deserved the break.

Hubby woke up and sneaked into the boys rooms where he got them dressed, (in awful mismatched clothes, but he tried), got their bags ready and off he went. I woke up to the sound of silence. It was lovely. There was no tears, no waft of morning nappies, just nothing.

I got up and had my breakfast where no one was grabbing at my toast or throwing their breakfast across the room, there was just nothing... again.

I went upstairs and had a bath with no cubs having a tantrum to get in with me, no rubber duck wedged between my cheeks and a lush bath bomb as opposed to a squirt of the kids top to toe wash. It was relaxing and there was the sound of nothing .... again.

I got out of my 'mama time' bath and sat on the edge of the bed. I was so relaxed and peaceful, I was able to dry my hair and put my make up on without my boys brushing, (or should i say yanking), my hair or sticking their grubby little paws into my Mac blusher. I was ready and there was .... nothing.

At this point I started to realise I didn't like nothing, I didn't like my beautifully annoying children not being here on a day where we should be celebrating me being their mama.  I didn't want nothing. I wanted screaming, cuddling and snotty noses. I never wanted there to be nothing again. Luckily mind reader hubby rang me at that point.

hubby - "everything OK, are you enjoying your alone day"
me - "sob, sob, waaaaa, snot, sob"
hubby - "don't worry, we're on our way, we will be home in 10 minutes"

So they came home and i opened my pink mum themed crap. I cooed over my troll sick 'flower' painting. I ate lunch brought to me on a tray. It was great............... for an hour, then I missed the nothing again.

Oh well not long till the next mamas day.

Good day to you x

(mothers day this year is March 26th, don't forget to spoil your mama's)


  1. i know too well hun lol, im mum to 8 and it can be very hard work but soo rewarding x

  2. I'm a mum to 6 so I can relate to this so much. I love the madness but also the quiet at night lol. Hope you have a fabulous day this year x

  3. Not a mother, but can understand you wanting a day just for you. So many mums it's all about their buddles of joy and little else x

  4. It's my favourite day! Breakfast in bed, gifts and cards and being treated like a queen all day! Mine was rubbish last year as i argued with my other half - expecting good things this year ha!

    1. I'll have my fingers crossed for you. The same thing happened on my birthday a couple of years ago. Ruined it.

  5. It's my first Mothers Day this year and I'm so excited but I'm sure in a few years time I may enjoy the peace x

  6. This will be my first Mother's Day and I can't wait. Although I doubt my 15 week old will be going out to buy me anything ;)

    1. Buy yourself something,every mama deserveS a treat

  7. I need to make sure I get my mom something nice, she usually asks for bath stuff but loves flowers too.

    1. Can't go wrong with bath stuff and flowers

  8. I don't do mothers day as i don't have a mom to buy for x

  9. I bet it was nice to have some relaxation and time alone x

  10. Haha! I love that you asked your husband to take the kids and leave. I'm sure it was a much needed break!

  11. This is such an honest look at the day, I loved reading your take on it!

  12. Fingers crossed I get a mamas lazy day this year too, we shall see ;)

  13. I hope you get to have more time to yourself more regularly, even an hour x

  14. I'm not a mother but I can understand your need for time alone!

  15. You know what? I couldn't agree more! The best thing on Mother's Day would be a bit of time alone, a good sleep and a bath... Gosh I'm jealous! There's no way my husband would manage to get our 4 out of the house quietly... ever!

    1. Well just tell him he's going to have to try

  16. Hahahah every mums dream until we miss them right? lol.

  17. I would have missed mine too! Your hubby did a great job. Kaz :)

  18. Haha! Totally relate to this - peace and quiet is lovely for a couple of hours, and then it just feels weird and lonely and WRONG *sigh*. ;) x

  19. Hahaha. I totally get this. I know I'd be exactly the same. Sometimes I just wish for a day of complete quiet, but honestly I know I'd hate it in the end!

  20. So totally get this! However, I do LOVE a full day without the kids but not had one for over 7 months. It is nice and so normal to want a break.

  21. I love all the crap partly because my son does choose it so it's nice to see what a 4 year old thinks their mum would like. We do make things for grandparents though. My boyfriend can't drive so he couldn't take the kids out for the day xx

    1. Maybe he could take them out for an hour for a walk or to the park

  22. My mummy likes me being around on Mothers Day, making her brekkie in the morning and hearing me bellow downstairs with Daddy while she's having a bath. They are the best kinda days x

  23. it's so beautiful how your hubby got the kids out. hope you get more nothingness this year

  24. I can relate. Every real hardworking mum needs a break every now and again.

  25. This is what I ask for every Mother's day!! My husband makes me breakfast in bed and then takes the kids to the park, only for an hour though

  26. I'm so excited for mothers day, I get so spoilt by my little girl every year! xx

    1. Lucky you, hope you get spoilt again this year

  27. Awwwwh haha I loved this!! I often have moments I just need time a alone too after all having too lads run around you all day every day it can be quite overwhelming after a while, If the hubs does take them out for the day I eventually realise I don't know what to do with myself and end up calling them back too haha its mad but we love it right!?

  28. How lovely! :D
    I also get breakfast in bed, the kids also give me a card and they have usually made some form of art. :D I also get to sleep in! haha :D

  29. Pink crap with variations of MUM tickled me! i'm kinda sad you didn't get to fully enjoy your nothing day but shows how much you love them all x

    1. I really do. I also secretly love the pink crap

  30. I loved this so much! I'm a single mum so am often desperate for a break....and then enjoy the first hour until I realise the house is too quiet without her.

    1. I know how you feel. Make sure you get a break soon x

  31. you definitely need some mama time! I dont have kids but if i do i would pick every sunday as mama day :)

  32. awww this just shows how much you love your family and they are really your life!

  33. Aw that is so sweet. Every mumma deserves some alone time but like you said it can feel weird without them!

  34. awww mothers day is so awesome, I always give my mum flowers, a card and take her for a meal out x

    1. Ooooo you can't beat a nice meal, it's just always so busy on mothers day x

  35. Hahaha. I love Mother's Day but I don't really feel like it's about me, it's about how excited the kids get thinking they're spoiling me. That makes me happy.

    1. Awww so sweet, your right itS lovely to see them excited x


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