
Tuesday 5 July 2016

Hello from the other side

I will start with an apology to everyone who enjoys my blogs as they have been few and far between as of late. I am now feeling much more adjusted to being a working mummy so I promise I will find the time to put together these few paragraphs of my rambling and ranting more often.

This weekend I had a psychic night. I organised for a lady to come round to the house to give a reading for me and 7 others. I was worried that she might be rubbish and the night would end with everyone giving me daggers for inviting her here. Luckily she was very good and I think everyone went away having listened to something that interested them.

My biggest ‘wow’ of the night came from the spirits, the lady told me she had my grandad in the room and did I have any questions. Now to understand my questions you need a slight back story.

My grandad came down one morning, handed a plate of cheese and crackers to my mum that he had picked up on the way down, she had left the plate in the living room from the night before. My mum took the plate off him and said “ooo I bet that cheese stinks”. My grandad laughed and walked into the sitting room I presume to sit and watch television. A couple of minutes later he had died.
 The doctors told us he had an undetected heart condition which had been the cause and that his passing would have been very quick, but as he was on his own I would never know if that was true. So I asked the psychic to communicate one simple question. Was he frightened? 

What came next amazed me. The lady told me that my grandad was holding his chest to show her it was his heart. “he wasn’t frightened, it happened so quickly he didn’t know what was happening until he was in the spirit world”. I was so happy to hear this information and she had more. She told me he was a quiet man and that he was standing back waiting to be spoken to before he spoke, not only is this a perfect description of Grandad C, it has also been said to my dad by a different psychic in a different town. She went on to tell me he was a smoker, then correcting herself saying he doesn’t smoke but he smells of it, (my nana smoked, A LOT).

Psychic asked if he grew tomatoes, at this point my tears cleared as I broke into fits of laughter. My grandad loved his Sunday morning visits to Aldi and one morning he came back with a tomato plant. He didn’t follow the planting instructions and basically we knew nothing would ever grow. We told him this but he was adamant it would. One afternoon me and my dad hung cherry tomatoes on the plants branches and shouted grandad out to see what had happened over night. He was so happy, “bloody hell they have grown fast”. This lasted a couple of minutes until he realised what we had done. He laughed and called us “bloody foolish”.

The strangest part of the evening was when she told me my eldest son had some psychic ability himself. She told me that Mr S sees my grandad all the time, as strange as this is, I believe her. On several occasions Mr S has sat laughing at thin air, waved saying goodbye to nobody and despite the fact he never met my grandad, he can point him out in any picture. Psychic went on to tell me that Mr S has something rocking in his room, (Mr S has a rocking horse which recently he has been riding on, in the dark, at night. Only me and hubby know about this), she explained then when Mr S sits on this at night he is with Grandad C and is being read stories about my favourite wizards, (my favourite book/film is Harry Potter.)
I found real comfort in her words and was stunned by the things she knew. I know some people dislike the whole idea of psychics and ‘spirit worlds’, which I understand. It is very easy to be sceptical about something you can’t see with your own two eyes. I also understand why some people think it is a bad idea, I heard the things I wanted, but what if I hadn’t. How would I feel if the answers she gave me made my grief worse, or if my loved one wasn’t there at all? I personally really enjoyed the whole evening and have lots more tales and predictions from her, far too many to tell. I will be seeing this lady again when my mother-in-law, who lives in Australia, visits England later this year. My mother-in-law is currently very happy as the psychic told me that we would be moving out to Australia in the future, Tina as much as I love you and Steve I wouldn’t build your hopes up, I’m a home bird, plus I like chippy tea too much.

Good day to you xx

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Petite PuddingBadge for FartGlitter linky. Sketch of baby crawling.


  1. I find all this very interesting. My sister had a psychic to her house not long ago and she was told some very accurate things, as were her friends. I think I may be too nervous of what they might say, although maybe one day my curiosity will get the better of me. An interesting read. Alison x #FartGlitter

    1. If you are worried about what you may hear maybe best not to indulge. You may end up upset.

  2. I love anything like this. I have met with a few psychics but never been told anything that has totally convinced me. I'm open to it though and would love hear something that would make me believe. This lady definitely seems to have touched on some poignant memories for you and I'm so pleased that her reading has made you smile and brought you some comfort. Thanks for sharing with #fartglitter x

    1. I found a lot of comfort in her comments as did everyone else there. Thank you x

  3. I find psychics very interesting (as long as are not the fake ones). I am so hesitant to find one myself as i don't want to be let down. It's nice to hear though that you had a great evening and were given the answers you needed :) Thanks for linking up to #EatSleepBlogRt

  4. I have never met with a pyschic but this sounds like a very interesting evening. Glad you and your friends enjoyed it #EatSleepBlogRT

  5. I'm glad the evening gave you some comfort. Your Grandad sounds like a wonderful man.

  6. I am glad you got some comfort and I am fascinated by psychic readings, though I have never had one x

  7. This sounds so interesting, I've never had a psychic reading but think it would be interesting to do so! xo

  8. I never had a psychic reading and half the time I don't believe in them but this is a very interesting experience, thanks for sharing x


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